An Analysis of Family Relations in the Literature of War Stories

Document Type : Research Paper



The literature of war stories is the recreation of relations among people on whose life war has, intentionally or unintentionally, had its impact. Therefore, it is an appropriate source by which one can investigate the social issues related to war. In this paper, the reflection of issues that result from war and affect family relations in the story literature of the three decades after the Islamic Revolution have been studied and analyzed. The research method used was descriptive-analytical and used library resources. In addition, by implementing an analytical approach, it studies and criticizes the image of families involved in war. Family relations and attention to family in the stories of each decade have been reflected in a particular way in accordance with the needs and slogans of that decade. The stories that have been written immediately after the war have mostly used an ideal approach, downplaying the problems and ordeals after the war against the faith and strong will of the soldiers. They have also put on display the strong morality of the veterans and their families in dealing with the difficulties and problems, but gradually in the 90's and 2000's, writers used a more in-depth and human look at the war. They also depicted the pains and hardship suppressed by the survivors of war and their relations with their families with a more realistic approach.


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