Modernistic Elements in Bahram Sadeqi's Works and “New Novel”; Effect and Impression or Confluence?

Document Type : Research Paper



In most comparative studies, the imitation and adaptation of Iranian contemporary fiction from western literature have been so emphasized that a large proportion of historical and social developments in this land in the emergence of seeking modernistic enthusiasm and innovations taken place in fiction has been neglected. However, given that the literature at any society and at any historical period has been affected to a certain extent by the existing currents at that period and environment, one can look for the emergence of modernity elements in the Persian fiction within Iran's social and cultural infrastructure. Thus, we believe that Persian contemporary fiction and its modernistic developments have not been formed merely by being influenced by western literature; rather, they have always been ready for self-actualization and innovation. To prove this hypothesis, and as a case study, we selected Bahram Sadeqi's works, which, as he claims, were written before the emergence of "New Novel", and as almost all believe, are considered important sources of modernity in Persian fiction. Thus, the present study has taken into account two major functional goals: first, it seeks to prove the existence of modern and modernistic elements in Sadeqi's works, and second, by applying a within-territorial approach, it seeks a reason that can justify the emergence of these elements in Persian contemporary fiction.


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