Comparative Study of Nationalism Representations in Shoqi and Bahar Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper



Shoqi and Bahar were two prominent contemporary poets who were really close to one another in terms of thinking and literature in similar conditions such as living in the same period of time, being Muslim, living in the period of political hegemony, conflict with colonialists, liberality, fighting for revolution and going through exile, imprisonment, etc. This similarity is in a way that though the said two poets did not know each other and none of them is mentioned in the other’s works, their common spirit represents them as being acquaintances; two spirits that are grown and reached perfection in Islamic education. The comparative study of the poems of these two poets shows that love for their country is one of the obvious representations of the thoughts of Bahar and Shoqi. The reflection of this love for their homeland in their poetry is so widespread that has been turned into a style-making and determining element in the content and language of their poems. This study attempts to find the common points in the thoughts of these two poets on nationalism and to compare such approach as one of the intellectual findings of the contemporary era.


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