Linguistic Foregrounding in the Story “Sharq-e-Banafsheh” by Shahriyar Mandanipour (Based on David Leech's Linguistic Theory)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . Ph.D Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Isfahan University

2 M.A in Linguistics, Isfahan University

3 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Isfahan University



The short story “Sharq-e-Banafsheh” is worth studying considering its eye-catching literary foregrounding, including parallelism and deviation. Each of the two concepts (parallelism and deviation) has several subcategories, most of which are easily found in the story. This characteristic can obviously reveal Mandanipour`s ability as a skillful writer in utilizing various literary potentials. The present article aims at answering the question, ‘What features have made “Sharq-e-Banafsheh” the most well-known work of Mandanipour?' To answer this question, the paper attempts to demonstrate different kinds of literary foregrounding used in this story based on the linguistic theory of Leech, while considering the prominent narrative elements that form the structure of the story. Actually, the writer is successful in making salient the theme of the story, which is an earthy-heavenly love. He has also pictured this love as mysterious by making his language ambiguous to some extent.


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