A Comparative Study of Dialogic Theory of Nima and Bakhtin

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Mazandaran University



"Dialogism" is the foundation of Bakhtin's theory, the theorist of human sciences in 20th century. He brings up this term against monologism in literature and art. According to him, poetry represents monologism, but prose, especially novel is the representative of dialogism, which makes it the best literary genre.
Nima's theories that are mostly expressed in the form of letter show his attempt to close the gap between poetry and prose, especially novel. Just like Bakhtin, he also believes fiction to be the space for different voices to be heard. Therefore, he changes the form of poetry to a narrative pattern and liberates poetry from the hegemony of individualism. Thus, he objectifies dialogic imagination in the poetry.
As regards theoretical basics, this article deals with the expression of the essential contents of Bakhtin's theory like dialogue, heteroglossia, otherness, monologist and polyphony. Then, by conducting a comparative study of Bakhtin and Nima's theory, the paper concludes that the best achievement of Nima's poetry is the movement from the subjective and monologic poetry to the objective and polyphonic one.


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