Graphological Deviation in the Poetry of Nosrat Rahmani

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Bahonar University of Kerman



Foregrounding is a feature and characteristic of literary language by which the literary work de-familiarizes the real fact of the world as well as the familiar structure of the text. Foregrounding can be considered identical to verbal deviation, i.e. purposeful, impressive and targeted deviation from the general rules of the language. Graphological deviation is one of eight deviations introduced by G. N. Leech used by many contemporary poets to enhance meaning or secondary meanings to basic unit of language.
Nosrat Rahmani is one of the poets who have paid a great attention to appropriate writing style and its relevance to the meaning as well as the poem's emotiveness in his poetry. Breaking the lines of the poem, anaphora (repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases (usually for emphasis)), stepped writing of poetry lines, utilizing figurative form of numbers, writing the letters of words separately and using suspension point or points of ellipsis (...) are all among the most important approaches from which the poet takes advantage. This way, drawings, sounds, normal form of speech and action, time intervals and extensions, reflection and contemplation manner and concealment of the word may represent a line or a stanza of the poem to the reader. Applying theses writing styles will add to the emotional impression of the poem; bring the reader to a higher level of understanding than the listener and involve him in composing the poetry.


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