An Introduction to Bijan Najdi’s Metafiction Arrangements

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kurdistan University

2 Ph.D Candidate in Persian Language and Literature



Metafiction is one of the components of postmodern stories that attempt to make the reader aware of the story's unreality as the author enters the story's space. Bijan Najdi is an author who follows a postmodernist style in his stories. Using various bases, he tries to direct his writings towards meta-fiction.
The current research studies this component in three stories, namely,
"Yoozpalangani ke ba man davideh-and" (the panthers who have run with me),"Dobareh az haman khiyabanha" (once again from those streets), and "Dastanha-ye natamam" (unfinished stories) by Bijan Najdi (1941–1997). In this descriptive-analytic research, the data are studied using the content analysis technique with a library research method.
The result shows that Najdi was able to make his readers accept the stories' unreality by using techniques like displaying the arrangement, description, unrelated reasoning and mixing the real and fantastic worlds. He also tried to downplay the tricks used by realist novelists who do this to make their stories believable.


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