The Semiotic Reading of Akhavan's Winter and Sepehri's A Message on the Way

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Qom



Michael Riffaterre identifies two methods of reading in the semiotics of poetry,
namely heuristic reading and retroactive reading. The first stage involves a search for
meaning and the second stage concerns implications of language. In this reading, after
an analysis of the ungrammatical elements, covert and internal relationship of the
elements of the text is explained in the form of accumulation and descriptive system.
Then the reader starts receiving hypograms and this ultimately leads to the discovery
of structural matrix of the poem. After analyzing ungrammatical elements,
accumulations, and descriptive systems in the poems ‘Winter’ by Akhavan and A
Message on the Way by Sepehri, the following structural matrix can be obtained:
Winter: The fear and despair of people, the hope of the poet in the help of others,
repression, and the despair of the poet. A Message on the Way: Peace and friendship,
overcoming shortcomings by the poet, evils and shortcomings in the society, and
establishment of perfection and beauty in the society.


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