The Method of Two-Dimensional Characterization in The Body of Farhad

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah (Corresponding Author), Iran

2 Lecturer, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 M.A. in Persian Language and Literature, University of Semnan



With the end of the age of poetic justice in literary works, we witness the death of
simple good-natured or villainous characters in these works. Following such an
evolution, two-dimensional characters with mental and psychological complexities
enter the scene of modern novels. Public and private aspects of these characters are
different and sometimes contradictory. These contradictions can be the origin of many
of the incoherent events of novels, not only making them difficult to understand, but
also preventing the readers from discerning the true identity of the character. Novelists
have abundantly used the two-dimensional feature of characters due to its match with
modern novels. The author of The Body of Farhad also applies this characterization
method in his novel to represent the positive and negative sides of characters. In this
paper, we will review this characterization method in The Body of Farhad.


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